Sunday, May 30, 2010

i'm not mucking about this summer

Mucking about: to my knowledge it's a British term that's very similar to f**king around or fumbling your way through something. It's what happens when you spend time idly. You would say something like, "stop mucking about in there and let's get out of here" if you wanted somebody to hurry up. Or you would say, "you've been mucking about all summer, now it's time to get ready for school!."

Last summer we had Jack's (British exchange student) parents and siblings visit Memphis during June and July. I worked all summer while Lori and the kids spent time mucking about with the Lambros family. Kenzer and Izzy (Jack's little sister) spent all of their time laying around, swimming and eating. It was disgusting, and I'm not putting up with it this summer.

I'm determined to kick some major ass this time around. I cannot watch my kids screw around all summer with nothing to show for it when it's time to go back to school. The fact of the matter is that last summer they did absolutely nothing and I let them. I can't help but to think that maybe I was the one mucking about, but I promise that I won't be thinking that this year. I've got a plan folks. This will be daddy's summer. Stay tuned.

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